Saturday, September 29, 2007

Saturday Mornings

Most Saturday mornings I am either at work or at school, but today, I am closing at work and don't have class. As a result, I am "grounded" to my bedroom while Sarah has the Junior Girls Lifegroup in the living room. I don't mind at all because I know that she and Mez are investing in a group of young ladies and helping them to grow into women of God. This past week really drained Sarah, but she kept pressing on. I respect her immensely for all of the time and effort she puts into leading her girls. Just thought I'd share.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Yesterday, I got to take a day off again. It was marvelous. I laid on the couch and watched Star Wars and grilled steak for dinner. What a day! Thank you, God, for rest.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Matthew 18:6

"But whoever causes one of these little ones who believes in me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea."

Lord, help me not to lead others away from You. Help me to encourage them and lift them up. Whether in the school building or the church building, give me wisdom to lead those younger than me, knowledge to teach them, courage to stand my ground when need be, and strength to continue day after day. Amen.

Monday, September 24, 2007


"Unfortunately, a child is the only known substance from which a responsible adult can be made." - Unknown

As someone who has been in youth ministry for ten years and who is pursuing a career in education, it is always good to remember that no matter how a child or teenager may act and choose to live now, these times help dictate how that child will grow up, and even the most irresponsible young person can grow up to be a responsible adult. After all, weren't we all irresponsible children at one point.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Happy Birthday, Mom

It's my mom's birthday today. Happy Birthday Mom!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Doers of the Word

"Anyone who listens to the word and does not do what is says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like." James 1:23-24

How crazy would it be if I woke up, brushed my teeth, washed my face, etc., but by the time I walked out of the bathroom, I forgot what I looked like? I forgot that I have blue eyes and brown hair, a goatee that is brown with some red and blond in it, or that on most days, I am not clean shaven. That would be pretty ridiculous, wouldn't it? That's what it says in James, though, about a person who hears God's Word but doesn't do what it says. Also, remember that John says that "the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us" (John 1:14). That means anyone who has had an encounter with Christ but not followed Him, is like the man who forgets what he looks like. These are just my ramblings about it, but what if, when it says he forgets what he looks like, it means that he doesn't accurately see himself in respect to Christ? Humility isn't thinking that you are worse than everyone else; it's just seeing yourself correctly in relation to Christ: He is perfect, we are imperfect; He is holy, we are sinful; He is neverending, we are finite; He is all-powerful, all-knowing God, and we are simply man...created in His image, for His pleasure and His glory.
Today, as you go through your life, don't forget to remember what you look like. Don't forget to remember that although God is greater than we can even imagine, He loves us, and longs for us to draw close to Him.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Busy Busy Busy

So, today was my first day of my clinical for this semester. Over the next couple of months, I have to observe/assist a teacher at Mauldin High School for a total of 75 hours. That's a lot of hours. I added things up, and if you count my 20 hours a week at church, 25-30 hours at Home Depot, 8 hours a week in class (on average), and 12-13 hours a week doing my clinical, I will be putting in 65-70 hours a week, not including homework and reading for my classes. I'm not saying this to throw a pity party...I'm just asking that people pray for me over the next few weeks and months that I'll be able to handle everything, that my body will not mutiny against me, and that I will still be able to spend quality time with my wife (which is top priority). Thanks!

Monday, September 17, 2007

The Church is a Whore

"The Church is a whore, but she is my mother." - St. Augustine
I quoted this line before when I was pulling out quotes from Shane Claiborne's Irresistible Revolution. Lately, I've been thinking about that line, and some things have occurred to me.
The Church, as a whole and as individual members, has sold itself to the things of this world. Personally, I have never cheated on my wife, but I can't say that I haven't cheated on my Bridgegroom. I must admit that I have whored myself to complacency, I have whored myself to busyness, and I have whored myself to laziness. Thank God that He is loving and forgiving. His grace keeps on flowing...amazing, isn't it? My Bridegroom, no matter how many times I whore myself out to other things and take my focus off of Him, is always willing to welcome me home, into His arms.
Thank You, God, for your grace, love, and forgiveness, which never cease. Thank You for opening Your arms to me, no matter how many times I have turned away. Amen.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Yelling and Screaming

As I've mentioned before, I've been reading the Harry Potter books. Last week I finished book number 5, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, which is also the most recent movie. At the end of the book, however, there is something different than in the movie. Of course, I won't get into any specifics about the plot and outcome, in case some of you are planning on reading them, but I will say this: at the end of the book, Harry is in Dumbledore's office and is yelling and screaming at Dumbledore as loud and passionately as is humanly (or wizardly, I guess) possible. Harry starts throwing things in the office and turning tables over, but through this whole tantrum that Harry throws, Dumbledore just sits there at his desk, with his fingers placed together (as he often does, if you'll take the time to read the books and notice). Dumbledore allows Harry to yell and scream and pretty much freak out and get out all of his aggression, anger, confusion, etc.
I think that, in some way, God is like this with us. I think God would rather we came before him yelling and screaming at Him, upset at the way He's done things, because we don't and can't comprehend Him, and sometimes He just sits there and lets us vent. I'm not saying that God doesn't listen, nor does He fail to respond to us. All I'm saying in this blog is that I believe God would rather us come before Him in all of our anger and confusion rather than putting on pretenses that we are happy and completely pleased and content. God is not fooled when we put on masks, just as Dumbledore would not have been fooled if Harry had acted the way he "should" have in front of the Headmaster of Hogwarts. Just a thought.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Yeah, I know I'm a Bad Blogger

Sorry for disappearing for the last few weeks. Life is about as crazy as it gets. I started back to school at Converse a couple of weeks ago. For those who don't know, I'm getting my MAT in Secondary Math. Anyway, between starting back to school, working 20 hours a week at church, and 30-35 at Home Depot, life has been busy. Anyway, I'm going to try to make the attempt to start blogging regularly again. Until then...