Monday, July 13, 2009

Summer Activity

So, I've been lazy this summer. Lucky me. Actually, I've been doing a bit of reading and working on a couple of projects, but nothing big.

Since I haven't blogged anything lately, I figured I'd just write out a list of the books I've read this summer, in case anyone cares.

I reread the Harry Potter series (in preparation for the new movie)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians (5 books in the series)
The Warrior Heir
The Wizard Heir
The Dragon Heir
What's So Amazing About Grace?
I'm now reading The Hobbit and will hopefully get through at least part of The Lord of the Rings trilogy before school starts back up.

Anyway, nothing much else has really been going on. I've been helping Sarah here and there with her cows, but that's it.

I hope everyone else is having as good a summer as I am.